Grow With Us: Hearten’s Next Phase

Milestones are a natural point of reflection. As Hearten approaches its first birthday, we have spent ample time thinking about the past year. We successfully created a practice specializing in diverse relational and individual needs, surfed the learning curve on billing and taxes, and connected with over one hundred incredible clients. But most importantly, we have decided we aren’t done there.

Mollie and I have known since Hearten’s genesis that our vision would expand beyond the two of us; the question was just a matter of “when?”. At the end of last year, it became clear that the dust had settled, and we were ready for the next phase of Hearten’s growth. This was due to a large demand for our therapeutic services, a growing waitlist, and a genuine passion for increasing our ability to support our clients as they strive toward their goals.

We have spent countless hours honing our vision for Hearten’s future. This goes beyond what we can currently offer our clients, extending to cultivating the type of workplace and employers we want to be. Our cultural mission is largely derived from our values of authentic connection, encouragement, humor, and prioritizing overall well-being. This means that in order for Hearten to be what we want it to be, we need to find other therapists who share these values.

We strive to support our future team members by honoring their clinical experience, fostering their desires for growth, and developing their relational niche. As experts across the relationship timeline, our ideal candidate will be drawn to a phase of life to support individuals and couples. Whether that’s deciding to move in together, preparing for marriage or children, or determining whether to remain together, our team will be able to guide clients through all of the accompanying areas of growth and change.

Hearten offers candidates an opportunity to expand their knowledge of private practice with a small, accessible support network while specializing in a vast array of relational needs. We are ready to take these plans off our vision board and into reality, but we are missing one important thing: you. If you’re also feeling butterflies while reading this, then you are who we are looking for.

Learn more about our mission, values, and open positions on our Careers page!


Summer’s End and Fall’s Arrival: Welcoming the Change


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